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Each RVer is looking for a certain camping experience when purchasing their next RV. While similar travel trailers and hybrid travel trailers have key differences. Travel trailers are built with a full hard body, while hybrid travel trailers have a hard body with canvas slide outs for sleeping areas. Each type of RV has features that some RVers like and dislike. Let’s go over some of the things you may want to consider when determining if a travel trailer of hybrid travel trailer is best for your family.
Noise Protection
If you are a light sleeper or like to hit the hay early while out camping then the noise protection your RV offers you is important. Since hybrid travel trailers feature canvas walls it is easy for sound to travel into your trailer. On the other hand the full hard body of a travel trailer offers excellent noise protection. If you run a generator or camp in busy areas a travel trailer is your best option for keeping out the sound.
Open Floor Plan and Spaciousness
If having a spacious and open camping trailer is important to you then a hybrid travel trailer may be right for you. Hybrid travel trailers offer slide out sleeping areas creating more open space within the trailers hard body. Travel trailers have to house the sleeping areas within the hard body of the trailer limiting the space and amenities they can offer compared to a hybrid travel trailer.
Authentic Camping Experience
RVers with hybrid travel trailers say that one of the things they love most about them is that they make RVing feel more like camping. The canvas slide outs allow for the sounds of nature to flow through your trailer and the fresh air to filter in more easily. While those with travel trailers can feel like they are in a condo or apartment because they are surrounded by hard walls.
While its is unlikely a bear or intruder would come through the canvas of your hybrid trailer slide out it is still possible. A travel trailer provides the protection of surrounding you with hard sided walls, making RVers feel safer. A travel trailer also provides additional security from poor weather and storms.
Water Protection
Travel trailers offer excellent protection from rain and snow as they are totally enclosed. Hybrid trailers also do an excellent job of protecting you from rain but condensation will still get in the canvas slide outs. Your beding will end up getting a little damp, and the problem with this is when you get home you will have to pull out your slide outs again so they can dry out.
A travel trailer and hybrid trailer of the same size are generally also the same weight. The advantage of a hybrid travel trailer however is that they can offer more living space at the same weight. Slide outs don’t really affect the overall weight of a travel trailer allowing hybrids to give you additional sleeping areas without having a larger load to tow.
Air Flow
Campers know that RV’s can get hot and stuffy when camping in summer months. Getting good air flow can greatly improve your RVing experience. While both travel trailers and hybrid travel trailers offer good airflow with large windows that slide open, hybrid travel trailers aren’t fully enclosed so they offer some of the best air flow among all types of RV’s.
Both Travel trailers and hybrid travel trailers have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Which one is right for your family depends on what kind of experience you enjoy while RVing. If you have any additional questions or information quests on both travel trailers and hybrid travel trailers the RV experts at Bucars can help you. To see some travel trailer and hybrid travel trailer models for yourself please call us at (403) 207-1666 or stop by our RV dealership location just north of Calgary.