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Hey everybody Bucars says you don’t want to winterize your RV. Well, you don’t want to winterize your RV yet.
Keeping the heat in. Keeping the heat inside your RV is crucial no matter how well made your RV is it is never going to be as insulated as your home. We make sure to get double glazed windows, we make sure our walls and slides have plenty of insulation in them. What all RVs have that people don’t think about are these hole in the roof with the vents. Those vents are just a thin little piece of plastic. So make sure if you are going to be winter camping we have a vent pillow that we stuff into the vent and that keep all the heat inside the RV.
The other thing that happens if you are parked out in the wide-open you’re going to find that a lot of wind is going to blow in under your RV. That grabs so much heat. So when I’m looking for a site when I’m fall camping I’m looking for something that is in the sunshine for most of the day and is also tucked away from the wind. That wind is going to rob heat from you.
Some people like to go as far as sealing their windows up with those winter seal kits for your home. Some people like tape around the slides and put skirting in. If you were sitting in one place and actually living in it through the winter, that is something you’d want to look at. But just for the average weekender going camping in the fall don’t bother with all of that. You are already going to have moisture issues you don’t want to seal every hole in the RV because then the moisture is trapped inside and you’ll have other issues. I would let your vents, your windows that sort of stuff breathe through the vent pillow and everything. Make sure anywhere we have wind blowing through or where it is a very thin protection barrier let’s cover it and protect it, because that’s what is going to keep the heat inside.