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Here at Bucars RV, we actually have the largest parts department in Western Canada.
Now, what you walk in, what you come in and see, is only a fraction of what we really carry. Usually, up front in our parts department, we’re going to carry more accessory items. The fun stuff that’s cool to look at, cool to shop for. But on top of this, we actually have the exact same square footage behind the wall with the service parts that keep your unit running. We actually stock close to 3000 individual parts and lots of those parts. So as you can see, year round we are full.
It seems today that some of our most popular accessories that we’re installing on just about every rig that’s leaving here are solar panels. Here in Western Canada, we’re very transient campers. We actually don’t like to camp in one spot all the time. So this isn’t really cabin country. We like to travel. And so solar panels make this possible for the average RVer. Some of the other things we like to do in this day and age, we like having satellite TV. You’d be amazed, when I camp, it’s just a campfire. That’ it. But a lot of the RVer’s that come through here, they want all their hockey channels, they want all the news, and they want to be able to watch it anytime. That’s where we specialize. Here at Bucars, we actually have in the summer, full time, 6 staff members willing to help you and talk you through all your purchase necessities. Right down to the hangers that you’ll hang your coat on that won’t pop off when you go down the road. We try and have a little bit of everything here for everyone.
We also like to really enhance everybody’s camping experience by not just having RV parts, we actually like to focus on a lot of the RV lifestyle. Se we actually have partnered ourselves with Wood and Outbound to bring you some lifetime warranty furniture that’s actually going to hold up for years to come. But we can get right down to campfires, like the firepits. If there’s a fire ban, I’ve got a way to get you still camping. And these are just some of the accessories that a lot of our customers eat up, it’s not just the parts, the nic-nacs, the cam locks, we’re talking about the fun items. Campfires, chairs, roasting stick, popcorn poppers, you name it, we can make it a fun experience for you.
One of the things that has been very popular the last couple of years, especially with the customers that are doing a lot of dry camping are LED lighting. We actually have a full display of LED lighting, just about every bulb that has been used in the RV industry in the last 10 years. We make it really easy to outfit your whole RV with LED lighting.
What makes coming into work every day very easy for me? The fact I get to deal with different people every day. What I’m doing is I’m enhancing a family’s vacation time, their downtime, their together time. And that’s what I get to provide every day to customers.