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Purchasing an RV is a massive decision — up there with buying a home or family vehicle. But if you know what you’re doing, what to say, and what to look for, it can be an easy ride. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1) Do your research
There’s a massive amount of information on the Internet, via friends and family, and in books and magazines. You should have a good idea of what you’re looking for in an RV before you even show up at the dealership. Bring a list of “must haves” and questions for the sales consultant. But leave the ego at the door. You’re bound to be proven wrong on a few things. The key is to remain open-minded while continuing your research at the dealership.
2) Find the right Sales Consultant for you
It’s in the dealership’s best interest to pair you up with someone you’ll relate to and trust, so if you find your consultant just isn’t doing it for you, ask for the Sales Manager and ask him or her to find you someone who will. Each dealer will have a number of different types of people and you’re likely to jive with one of them, making the experience that much better.
3) If you don’t understand, ask.
Let’s face it, Sales Consultants can ramble on about the millions of components that make up an RV and confuse the heck out of you. If they say something you’re not sure of, ask them to explain what it means. Make sure you understand what they’re talking about and you’ll avoid possible misgivings later on.
4) You do the talking
It’s the Sales Consultant’s job to listen to your needs and wants, and consult on the best RV for you. There should be an orchestrated exchange of dialogue that will eventually lead you to the RV of your dreams. Information is critical here, and it’s in your best interest to provide lots of it. Ensuring happiness is the primary goal on both parts.
5) Your budget is a key to happiness
We could easily have sub-titled this Stick to Your Budget, but you already know that. Instead, let us remind you that you have a number in mind and that’s the number that’s going to create a value proposition. It isn’t price but value that truly matters. And regardless of a firm or flexible budget, your sales consultant will help find the RV that’s perfect for you.
6) Close the deal with confidence
Don’t be afraid to ask, “Can you do any better on the price?” And, when you’re in the business office (where they do the finance stuff), be prepared for the “add-ons,” things like extended warranties, product protection services and insurances. It’s good to know all you options to protect your investment. The goal of the consultant is to help you make educated decisions.
7) Red carpet treatment
At Bucars, we offer a red carpet delivery and love to show off our service department. Well, you did just drop a bunch of money on a very important purchase. Every dealership should handle you with red carpet treatment and after-delivery care. You are a customer. You are the one paying the bills. They are servicing you. Make sure you get the service you deserve (ask about it before hand!). If you don’t, let the owners know.
8) Keep in touch
If everything went well, which it should have, and you’re a happy camper, let the dealership know about it. Dealerships love feedback and keeping in touch. Let them know where you’ve been and how much you’ve loved your RV. Same if you’re unhappy. They’ll figure it out and do everything they can to make it right (or at least, they should).
Happy RV’ing!