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JC from Bucars RV center today we’re going to talk about the importance of covering your RV and your investment for the winter. There’s a number of products that ADCO covers offers that Bucars carries in stock. We do everything from covering up your air conditioner because you don’t want debris to enter in over the winter. We do tire covers you want to keep the Sun off the rubber as it sits for six months or else they’ll dry up and crack, and a lot of people have looked at covering up their entire investment with a full RV cover. Covering up your RV completely front to back, you do have to be careful you can’t use a standard tarping. What you want to use is a breathable material that is not going to allow any mold or debris underneath it. What ADCO has done is they have a fully breathable material on the sidewall, and then they have a whole waterproof on the on the roof of it as well. If you do get any moisture underneath it does breathe out. Now some of the things that ADCO does differently than other covers, they are double stitched and you do get the graphic design inside so it doesn’t look like a white box in your driveway. They all come with straps so you can custom fit the front to fit tight and the rear and on the underside you have straps as well because you do not want these flapping in the wind that is the death of all covers. They do have two different color samples you can step down and what they call the SFS cover which is a knockdown cover. I don’t recommend that for the Canadian market just with the wind. Then you have the designer series which is a heavier material and it’s actually made to handle our high winds especially in Alberta. If you have any more questions on the ADCO covers please feel free to come on in to Bucar’s RV parts department and we’ll show you what we carry.